In the Pflanzstelle, Neuerburgstr. 19 51103 Köln
Who decides what’s in the soil under our neighborhood? Who has to live with the toxicity? And how do we take care of it?
This summer and fall, the Bodenlabor Kalk invites Cologne residents of all ages–especially residents of Kalk–to learn about the soil under our feet in Kalk from the perspectives of gardeners, scientists, and artists. We’ll get our hands dirty and engage closely with the soil using all our senses. All workshops are free and open to the public. Please register for the workshops you are planning to attend in advance.
S(p)oiled Art - A Poetry and Material Crafting Workshop → October 26, 12pm
Led by Tanya Gautam and Carmen Armenteros Puchades English language, Spanish also possible Organoleptic Soil Journey→ September 21 , 1pm
For ages 11 and up
Led by Diego GardonGerman language, Spanish also possible
Shedding Skins→ September 18, 5:30pm
For ages 12 and up
Led by Maiella Di Donato and Andrea Righetto
German and/or English depending on participants
Hot Composting→ August 24, 10am
For ages 11 and up
Led by Omer LeviGerman or English depending on participants
Discover the World of Soil Organisms!→ August 17, 2pm
For adults and children ages 5 and up with supervision
Led by Anna Kolossova and Omer LeviGerman language, English also possible